Meet the cast of The Greedy Show

  • Greedy

    The Crocodile of Compounding

    Favorite Activity: Submerging in the financial waters, waiting for the golden opportunity

    Bio: In the treacherous currents of Wall Street, Greedy reigns supreme. Not just any figure, but a formidable crocodile, representing the pinnacle of financial wisdom and the spirit of perseverance. His scales gleam with tales of investments past; his eyes, sharp and observant, miss no ripple in the market.

    Greedy embodies the relentless pursuit of financial freedom. Within the murky waters, he remains patient, knowing that patience in the financial world often leads to the most significant rewards. And when the moment is ripe? He strikes with precision, his actions echoing the power of compounding.

    Yet, Greedy's ambition extends beyond personal gains. He wishes to inspire. With every snap of his jaws, every triumphant investment, he sends a message: "Unlock your inner Greedy." He challenges everyone to navigate the financial labyrinth, to harness the art of compounding for themselves and future generations.

    In a world often swayed by short-term gains and fleeting trends, Greedy the Crocodile stands as a beacon of long-term vision and steadfastness. He doesn't just entertain; he educates, urging all to join him in the depths and discover the treasures that await.

  • Petey

    The Mastermind Behind The Squeeze

    Age: 43

    Favorite Activity: Strategizing his next move in the financial markets

    Bio: On the surface, Petey might seem like just another guy grappling with unemployment. But beneath lies a genius, the mastermind behind executing on GameStop's legendary short squeeze. Having experienced corporate downfalls and the challenges of joblessness, he's now on a mission he dubs his "revenge tour."

    This isn't about settling scores in the old-fashioned way. Petey's game is the stock market, and his strategy? Outthinking those at the top. Every setback, every rejection, now fuels his drive to shake up Wall Street. While others see him as out of the game, in the financial realm, he's become an icon of resilience and wit. In a world of bulls and bears, Petey's story is a testament to the power of determination and strategy.

  • Kando

    The Tech Sales Warrior

    Age: 42

    Favorite Activity: Reflecting on her sales conquests and sharing her experience to help others

    Bio: With two + decades under her belt in the fast-paced world of tech sales, Kando isn't just another sales veteran – she's a legend. Navigating the intricacies of technology, evolving markets, complex teams, and challenging clients, she's seen it all. What truly sets Kando apart isn't her remarkable track record or her vast knowledge of the tech landscape. It's her innate ability to bring a sense of calm amidst the often chaotic world of sales. While others get swept away by the intensity of large contracts, the demands of wild executives, and the constant pressure to deliver, Kando remains grounded. Her secret weapon? Perspective.

    Kando draws upon her years of experience, sharing insights not from textbooks or country club connections, but from the authentic lessons learned from carrying a sales bag. She's weathered the storms of missed quotas and celebrated the highs of record-breaking deals and years. Through all the volatility, she's learned to maintain balance, and more importantly, she's mastered the art of imparting that equilibrium to her team.

    Kando is the anchor, the voice of experience, and most importantly, the heart that keeps our team centered and organized.

  • Blue

    aka "Bluce" - The Resilient Wanderer

    Age: 6

    Favorite Activity: Embarking on road trips and vocalizing his tales

    Bio: Emerging from the enigmatic streets of Colfax in Denver, Colorado, Blue Bear’s backstory is a blend of mystery and destiny. This mixed-breed trooper was once abandoned outside a Petco, where he braved many a cold, solitary night, finding ways to survive amidst the city's hustle and bustle.

    But as the stars would have it, one fateful day, during a chance dog walk, he crossed paths with a family that would change his life forever and wouldn’t be the same without him. Now, six years young, Blue is the embodiment of resilience and hope. He relishes in his adventures, each woof narrating tales from his past and the countless sights he witnesses during his beloved road trips. With every mile traveled, Blue and his family cherish their shared journey, proving that with love and a bit of fate, every dog can find their forever home.

  • Elvis

    "Jr. Stink" the Blue Pibble, aka The Heart-melter Hound

    Age: 3

    Favorite Activity: Morning snuggles and office companionship

    Bio: Born under the relentless sun of West Texas, Elvis, more endearingly known as "Jr. Stink", is a blend of southern charm and undeniable spunk. At just 3 years old, he's made an immeasurable impact on his family's world. Welcomed during the solitude of the COVID era, he was the dream hound his mama always envisioned, a source of laughter and love during those still, introspective times.

    With the world on hold, it became a prime time for Elvis and his family to grow closer. The abundant downtime proved perfect for playful training, bonding, and discovering all the playful quirks of this sizable hound with an even more expansive heart.

    Even though he's the middle child, Jr. Stink is unmistakably the family's baby. His signature morning cuddles are eagerly anticipated, and with just a simple nuzzle, he can dissolve any cloud of concern. Much like his elder siblings, Elvis finds solace in accompanying his loved ones in the office, acting as a comforting and sometimes amusing backdrop to their work.

  • Gary

    aka "Gummy Bear" - The Spirited Black Lab

    Age: 1.5

    Favorite Activity: Bouncing here and there and everywhere.

    Bio: Gummy is a vivacious black Lab with an insatiable zest for life. With boundless energy, he's always on the prowl for the next exciting toy – usually, the one he doesn't have in his mouth. His enthusiasm is contagious, and his toy-swapping antics are a delight to watch. Gary’s is forever trying to steal swimming time in the pool, and often helps himself to unauthorized dips. Whether he's making a splash, teasing others with toys, or just being his charismatic self, Gummy is the spark that keeps the show lively and entertaining.